This revision of the Model TS06 brings two new features to users. There are now two micro switches built into the target: one has the same function as before (i.e. detecting whether the target disk is locked or not); the second micro switch provides a signal if the target station is locked, but there is no disk in the target station. This signal can be used in a safety interlock loop in order to prevent leaking of cooling water and helium in case the target disk is not in irradiation position.
The second new feature is related to serviceability of the target station: in previous models it was hard to remove some pneumatic tubing from the miniature pneumatic cylinders (often the tubing had to be cut and replaced with new). In this revision there are two pneumatic quick connectors on these tubes, so one can quickly disconnect and reconnect them during service.
Moreover, Festo stopped the delivery of several pneumatic fittings previously used in our products. The fittings have been replaced with new types suggested by Festo, which are very similar to the previous ones, but they have new part numbers.